A Synthesis of the Multimodal Workshop

A Synthesis of the Multimodal Workshop

12th – 14th of March, we had the pleasure to invite several highly competent, international scholars to our multimodal workshop. This provided new ideas and started discussions on how to approach ‘multimodality’ in anthropology.

“What is ‘multimodality’?” is the most…

Jon Ragnvald Schackt

Jon R. Schackt

Professor Emeritus
Bjørn Arntsen

Bjørn Arntsen

Associate Professor
Bror Olsen

Bror Olsen

Associate Professor
Documenting the Karbi Kecharhe Alun Oral Epic in Assam, India

Documenting the Karbi Kecharhe Alun Oral Epic in Assam, India

During the Anthropology Research seminar on March 1st, Michael Heneise, an anthropologist and associate professor in the department of Religious Studies at UiT, presented the paper Documenting the Karbi Kecharhe Alun Oral Epic in Assam, India. This seminar was an…

Mala Beads

Mala Beads

Of the nearly 7 million ethnic Tibetans living in China today, approximately 4 million live outside the Tibet Autonomous Region. Nearly 2 million of these live in Sichuan Province in the country’s southwest, where the epicentre of…

Resilience Through Urban Weeds

Resilience Through Urban Weeds

Weeds are often found in the nooks and crannies of the cities and infrastructures built and paved by humans. However, the inevitable collapse of these human structures…

Welcome to the Tromsø Anthropology blog

Welcome to our new Tromsø anthropology blog. Our researchers and collaborators will contribute with various topics in a personal capacity. If you have any questions or comments on the content, please contact the authors directly. The blog is to inspire and bring forth further discussions visitors are welcome to comment on or challenge.